There is no shortage of chicken in Mexico: Juan Manuel Gutiérrez

Mexico City, May 27, 2019. In national market does not exist shortage of chicken, Mexican poultry farming has sufficient capacity to guarantee supply and meet the demand of Mexican consumers, said Juan Manuel Gutiérrez Martín, President of the board of directors of the Unión Nacional de Avicultores.

When referring to the import quota for chicken, which was recently approved by the Secretaría de Economía, Juan Manuel Gutiérrez said that 55 thousand tons represent only 1.5% of national production, and is destined to the specific needs of the processing industry of sausages. “The chicken imported of this quota is hardly going to reach the final consumer, so Mexican families would not benefit from supposed low prices on the product”, he added.

On the outbreaks of avian influenza ocurred in our country, the president of the UNA said that the affected birds are backyard, for self-consumption of the families that arise them. He also said that the only case of broilers for comercial use was registered in Queretaro, buta ll th affected birds were slaughtered and the farms where they werefound were desinfected, respecting all the protocols of the SENASICA authorities.

“The total number of birds affected in recent influenza outbreaks was 2107, while the national flock is 1 800  million chickens per year, so slaughtered birds do not represent a risk for the supply of our market”, said Gutiérrez Martín.

Finally, the president of UNA emphasized that during 2018 the  production of Mexican chicken was 3 million 470 thousand tons, which meant a growth of 2.6% compared to the production of 2017. “The growth reta of chicken production it remains constant, so we can guarantee supply for Mexican consumers. For example, the production estimate for 2019 is that the chicken sector registers a 3% growth compared to that obtained in 2018”, he concluded.

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