Unión Nacional de Avicultores
The Unión Nacional de Avicultores (Mexican Poultry Producers Association) has as objectives representing, participating and protecting –before the public and private sectors of Mexico and abroad– the general actions to defend its interests contributing to their better development.
About Us
The Unión Nacional de Avicultores originated from the Union of Associations of Mexican Poultry Producers created on April 24th, 1958 …
From 2008 to 2019 the consumption of agricultural inputs has grown 18.2%, with an average annual growth rate of 1.7% from 2008 to 2019.
The UNA presents the closing parameters of 2017, on industry statistics.
Here you will find the current national regulations that regulate and modify activities in poultry.
Expectations 2019
By the end of 2019, national poultry production is estimated to grow 3% compared to 2018, with a total production of 6.4 million tons of food (chicken, turkey and egg).

Press Room
La apertura comercial es necesaria para el desarrollo y competitividad de la región norteamericana
El respeto, el diálogo y la colaboración, deben ser la base para enfrentar los retos comunes. Es importante trabajar […]
El panel de maíz transgénico entre México y EU; una disputa de 5,000 mdd
México se encuentra a la espera de la respuesta final del panel de solución de controversias establecido bajo el[…]
Celebra la UNA su congreso 58° Congreso Nacional de Avicultura con la participación del gobernador de Nayarit y el secretario de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural
Diciembre 2, 2024. La Unión Nacional de Avicultores (UNA), celebró la semana pasada su 58° Congreso Nacional de Avicultura[…]