- Poultry farmers show concern about duty free quotas to import brazilian food.
- A GEA study indicates that for every import penetration point, 12 thousand jobs are lost.
- It is convenient that SE analyzes the viability of quotas that represent risks for the health of consumers and national industry.
Mexico City, March 26, 2017. The closure of chicken meat exportations originated in Brazil, it is a responsable action and complies with the misión of sanitary Mexican authorithies to protect national alimentary sectors, considered by César Quesada Macías, Unión Nacional de Avicultores president.
To congratulate himself on the measure he took on March 19, SENASICA, about closing the borders to the chicken meat exportations from Brazil.
The entrepeneur highlighted the monitoring carried out by SENASICA and which allows to perform freely on risk cases.
He said that the determination of close the Access to Mexican market of deteriorated products and with risk to Mexican consumers health, indicate concern from sanitary Mexican authorities whose performed opportunely.
He pointed out that the concern of the Mexican poultry farmers was given from the chance granted to Brazil through importation quotas to bring to Mexican market suspicious origin food or safety processes have not been covered.
Quesada Macías specifically referred to import import quotas duty free for 300 thousand tons that SE has available for countries which Mexico has no comercial agreement but directly benefits Brazil to be able to export poultry food to Mexico.
He recalled that on May 2013, SE, opens a quota importation to chicken meet for 300 thousand tons which was expanded in Decemper 2017 and it continues valid actually with negative results for Mexican poultry, since chicken imports nowadays represent more than 13%of national production.
“It supposes due to the spirit of import quotas,the food Price would be accesible to consumer but it is not happening because the chicken breasts, principally, maintain their high Price for consumer and keep a high margin of commercialization estimated up to 108% without ignoring the risk entailed by the por safety of the product”
Quesada Macías made a call to authorities of federal government to analyze these commercial openings which represent a high risk for national consumer, also to put a risk the national industry.
The affectation that these imports leave are reflected in several áreas: in a lower income to the federal treasury because of the lack of taxes payment, fewer sources of employment for Mexican workers, in the decline of companies economies, among other, said.
In this regard, a study prepared by GEA about the impact of chicken imports to mexico establishes that for each percentage point of penetration imports, 12 thousand job (direct and indirect) are no longer created by the national industry.
In value of the production, for each percentage point ofimports penetration, 632 million pesos of added value in the economy are no longer generated, GEA indicates.
In addition, the loss in tax matters derived from taxes lost as well as ISR, and wages that negatively impact the treasury by displacing national production by imports, concluded the study.
More info: Lic. Rodolfo Valadez Delgado
Director de Comunicación Institucional
Unión Nacional de Avicultores
Tel: 01 (55) 5564 9322 ext 107
Email: comunicacioninstitucional@una.org.mx