COFECE announces closure of egg market investigation

The Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica (COFECE) published ist monthly report for April 2019, the closure of the investigation for posible absolute monopolistic practices in the market of egg production, distribution and marketing in Mexico.

According to the report, the COFECE’s plenary, determined the closure of such investigation by concluding that there were not enough elements to support the probable responsibility of those involved.

It is worth mentioning that on April 4, COFECE itself notified the Union Nacional de Avicultores and those involved about their acquital, as well as the closing of that file.

COFECE’s investigation on the egg market began in March 2015, on the grounds of having indications of the probable realization  of absolute mopolistic practices, specifically posible agreements, arragements or combinations between competitors in the poultry industry. This, with the alleged objective of exchanging information to set, raise, arrange or manipulate the price of the egg.

It is important to note that during the 4 years that the investigation lasted, the Union nacional de Avicultores and those involved by the Mexican poultry industry, collaborated with the authority, attending to their requests for information and meetings with the authorities.

COFECE’s report concluded that after hearing the arguments and allegations of defense of those responsable, the plenary determined that the realization that was umputed was not supported.

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